Saturday, May 31, 2008


IF ... I could leave you with one site to visit, I encourge you to visit The Health

Sunday, May 18, 2008


IF... you don't spend time with your children, someone else will.

IF... you don't' teach your children that they should not steal or kill, the penitentiary will.

IF... you don't show your children real love, someone will show them false love.

IF... you don't teach your children to share, they may never learn how.

IF... you don't show your children affection, they won't be affectionate.

Sunday, May 11, 2008


If ... you wake up in the morning, will you give thanks to GOD?

If ... you wake up in the morning, will you be more compassionate towards others?

If ... you wake up in the morning, will you be forgiving of your trespassers?

If ... you wake up in the morning, will you love your neighbor as you love yourself?

If ... you wake up in the morning, will you be happy to be alive?

If ... you wake up in the morning, will you take advantage of the day to grow spritually?

If ... you wake up in the morning, will you try to help someone else?