Thursday, April 17, 2008

Dr. Benjamin Mays

Dr. Benjamin Mays was the President of Morehouse College and a mentor to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. when he attended Morehouse College.

It was Dr. Mays who said, "Life is serious business, and we must be about the business of taking care of our own business, because no one is going to take care of our business for us with our best interest in mind."

If... we want things to change for us, we need to start looking in the mirror and seeing the person who's going to have to get involved in making change.

If... we are not about the business of making things better for ourselves and our children, we had better realize that no one else is interested.

If... you have never read it before, the scripture says....we are to leave an inheritance to our children's, children.

If... we don't stop this immediate gratification syndrome, our children's, children will still be fighting the same battles of civil and economic injustice.

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